Workshops & Events

Read, write, learn

Do you have a writing group, a literary club or a book group?

I have been writing fiction for well over a decade – not counting all the years I spent as a child writing stories! I don’t claim to know everything. Writing is a voyage of discovery, where you learn new things all the time, me included.

Find out below about the services I offer to writing groups, literary clubs and book groups. Some of these are completely free.

“Thank you for an excellent day on Saturday. I feel I have learnt a great deal and will endeavour to put your teachings into practice. I’m feeling quite inspired.” Member, Keysmash Writing Group


Take your writing to another level in a supportive learning environment.

I offer workshops for writing groups tailored to your requirements. A morning, a day, a weekend, or longer if you wish.

These are practical, hands-on events, where the emphasis is on putting theory into practice.

My reasonable fees include preparation, running the workshop and travel expenses.


Do you need a speaker for your bookish event?

I have given many talks to literary festivals, literary clubs and library groups on:

  • The publishing industry and getting into print.
  • Corsican history and culture.
  • French rural life in times past.

Depending on the event, I may charge a speaker’s fee and/or travel expenses.

Book clubs

Enhance your book club discussions with input from the author.

I will be happy to talk to your book club about any of my books, either in person (in France) or by Zoom (elsewhere).

I can provide questions for discussion on request, whether I attend or not.

This service is free.

It was such a lovely day, a great balance of relaxed but focused. A real ray of sunshine and it really got me thinking about how to develop my writing.

Member, WordWeavers Writing Group

Want to know more?