Writers Inspired by Corsica

The island of Corsica has long exerted a fascination on writers, enthralled by its history and culture and by the charismatic power of its mountainous landscape. My friend and fellow Ocelot Press author, Sue Barnard, kindly invited me onto her blog. I look at some of the novels and other writings that have been setContinue reading “Writers Inspired by Corsica”

Overture Cover Reveal

I’ve reached a very exciting stage in the genesis of my latest novel, Overture. I can now reveal the cover, and the Kindle version is on pre-order on Amazon. As ever, my designer JD Smith has come up with a great cover design, which I believe really conveys the flavour of the Belle Epoque periodContinue reading “Overture Cover Reveal”

Nursing in World War I: the French Experience

Writing a credible historical novel is like doing an obstacle course with your hands tied. A significant challenge for me in writing The House at Zaronza was to find out about nursing from a French viewpoint on the Western Front during World War I, where about a third of the novel is set. Countless books existContinue reading “Nursing in World War I: the French Experience”

Vendetta in Corsica: Myth and Reality

We’ve visited Corsica six times. L’Île de Beauté is a captivating place, with a savage beauty and a culture all its own and I strongly advise a visit. In 2014, we went to Olmeto, once the home of a woman who was the inspiration for Prosper Mérimée’s Colomba. His novel is about vendetta, an integralContinue reading “Vendetta in Corsica: Myth and Reality”

Revisiting Inspiration on Corsica

  Should you go back to places that have a special significance in your memory, or where you have found inspiration? It can turn out to be disappointing. They might have changed beyond recognition, or the magic you experienced might simply have dissipated. So, it was with some misgivings that I recently revisited the Corsican village where IContinue reading “Revisiting Inspiration on Corsica”

NaNo or NoNo? How to Survive National Novel Writing Month

Is it that time of year again? Well not quite, but it comes upon you before you know it. Having spent the past few months on paid work, my fiction-typing fingers are tingling and the ideas are flowing. I need space to write and I can’t do it with clients and deadlines snapping at myContinue reading “NaNo or NoNo? How to Survive National Novel Writing Month”

My Biggest Lesson on my Book’s First Birthday

  Where does it go? Time, I mean. It’s not so long ago that I was slaving over a hot computer to write The House at Zaronza (actually, it will be three years in November). And surely it’s only yesterday that it was published? No, today it’s my novel’s first birthday. Now it enters theContinue reading “My Biggest Lesson on my Book’s First Birthday”

On the Chaise Longue with Vanessa: Meet Author Tim Taylor

On the Chaise Longue with Vanessa: Meet Author Tim Taylor My latest victim guest on the chaise longue is author Tim Taylor. We share some things in common: a first degree at Oxford University followed by a career in the public services (although I worked in book publishing in between). We also have publication byContinue reading “On the Chaise Longue with Vanessa: Meet Author Tim Taylor”

On the Chaise Longue with Vanessa: Meet Author Sue Barnard

On the Chaise Longue with Vanessa: Meet Author Sue Barnard I’m very pleased to welcome back my friend and fellow Crooked Cat author Sue Barnard – who is also my editor! She is a lady of many talents and has a range of short stories, poems and three published novels to her credit. She wrote aContinue reading “On the Chaise Longue with Vanessa: Meet Author Sue Barnard”